How often are you hanging out? Combating Loneliness in Recovery

Even if your apology is not accepted, the effort will help you regain confidence and feel connected to others. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise because posts on social media are showing a filtered version of how other people live. It’s almost impossible not to compare one’s life with others.

loneliness in recovery

You may have learned a new hobby or interest during your rehab period. Sign up for classes or join groups that revolve around these new interests or hobbies. All of these new experiences present chances to connect with people around you. Many people feel lonely during addiction recovery as their normal social circle is stripped away. Most of those who struggle with addiction surround themselves with other people with addiction.

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In an attempt to cope with these feelings or avoid addressing them, many continue to use drugs and alcohol. This starts a vicious cycle that not only perpetuates substance use but also increases feelings of isolation and loneliness. Studies have shown that those who feel more socially isolated generally develop addiction problems. Many people who feel lonely turn to drugs and alcohol to cope. Many people tend to cut off their loved ones when they are using, thus, causing isolation. A lot of people, in active recovery, will start to think about and ruminate on the decisions they made and the things they did during their active addiction.

  • Overcoming loneliness in early recovery will require you to find new strategies for alleviating boredom and relieving stress.
  • An AA sponsor will provide one-on-one support as you work through the 12 Steps.
  • A lot of people feel lonely simply because they never try reaching out.
  • And despite the present existing in a time of superior communication and connection, people today are increasingly more lonely when compared to previous generations.

For many reasons, this isolation can have a great impact on addiction recovery. Find some tips below on how to work through difficult times to push ahead in recovery. Because of the increased likelihood of depression and possibly poor self-esteem, someone can decide to cope with these emotions in an unhealthy manner.

Online Therapy

There are many things you can do to combat loneliness and create a life worth living. These signs and symptoms are just a few ways that addiction may present itself in a person. If you have any concerns that someone you love may be struggling with addiction, the best thing to do is to talk to them about it. Addiction is a disease and it’s important to remember that addiction is not a choice. The isolation that addiction brings can also have a profound impact on the loved ones of an addict.

What is the root cause of loneliness?

Some of the most common causes of loneliness include: Social Anxiety, Isolation, Difficulty with Assertiveness, and Poor Self-awareness. Common types or forms of loneliness include: Lack of Physical Connection, Lack of Common Interests, Lack of Shared Values, Lack of Emotional Intimacy, and Lack of Self-Intimacy.

Feelings of failure come into play in these situations as the individual struggles with returning to drugs after committing to sobriety. In other cases, a person may isolate intentionally as a result of feeling overwhelmed and stressed. As addiction takes over more and more of their life, they may struggle to deal with the demands and pressures of everyday life. To cope, they may shut themselves off from friends, family, and activities that were once important to them. We are wired to connect with other people, both physically and emotionally.

Enroll in a sober living program.

Overcoming loneliness in early recovery will require you to find new strategies for alleviating boredom and relieving stress. Consider experimenting with hobbies like painting, doing jigsaw puzzles, knitting, cooking, yoga and meditation. These activities can give you constructive ways to spend the hours you formerly filled by obtaining and using intoxicating substances.

Tune in to your emotions, recognize the very human need to develop new connections and take actions to make that happen. Our treatment philosophy is based on a comprehensive and integrated approach to addressing all issues related to substance use and mental health disorders. We leave nothing to guesswork as we utilize therapeutically proven, evidence-based clinical practices.

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