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While we may be attracted to charm and bravado, we shouldn’t take other compassionate and serene types for granted. The Quiet Confidant is an excellent partner for the INFJ. They can help the INFJ feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and dreams without judgment. This type wants to give their INFJ exactly what the INFJ gives to everyone else — the space to be heard. An INFJ in a relationship with a Quiet Confidant may feel like they are truly heard for the first time in their life. The Quiet Confidant teaches the INFJ to value their own voice and encourages them to share their ideas with the world.

They’re devoted to improving their relationship each day and don’t flee at times of adversity. Instead, they do their best to make the relationship work. Two INFJs are likely to have a very intimate, emotional relationship that provides a safe space for each of them to share their feelings, dreams, secrets, and fears. In relationships, ESTPs and INFJs have completely different wishes and values. ESTPs can’t provide INFJs with the sense of security that they typically crave. ESTPs, on the other hand, might think that INFJs spend too much time in their heads, and aren’t spontaneous enough for them.

Reasons Why ENFPs and INFJs Have the Best Friendships

They prefer that their work involves patterns and concepts, rather than put emphasis on details. INFPs bring a flexible attitude to the workplace and can sometimes rebel against strict rules, while INFJs are more committed and dedicated, despite any regulations. Naturally, it’s easy for INFJs to make friends with other INFJs. They share similar soft-spokenness, idealism and rich imaginations. They will rarely be bored around one another and are on the same page about what constitutes fun. It’s natural that they can relate to each other to such a big extent, however this can also be a bad thing for their personal growth.

ISFP 3w4 (The Complete Guide)

It feels like you can never know everything about them. INTJs will be attracted to this sensitive part of the INFJ. To them, INFJs are stable and emotionally intelligent. An INTJ may feel smothered by the emotional hovering of an INFJ. You won’t find many people more devoted to their friends — they’ll drop everything they’re doing if a friend needs assistance. They may be hesitant to strike up a friendship, waiting for the other person to act first.

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This in-depth guide covers the primary and shadow INFJ cognitive functions. Most INFJs need a lot of time to recover after a breakup. The most common INFJ relationship struggles are reluctance to open up, compromise, and VictoriaHearts deal with conflict. INFJ-Ts, on the other hand, have a very hard time recovering after a breakup. They may blame themselves, get stuck in the past, or have a lot of regrets, no matter which side initiated the breakup.

Dating someone with an INFJ personality type with be very fulfilling. They will be attentive with their dates and not spend time flirting with others or endlessly the dating superficial things. This personality type is comfortable one on one or in a small group.

ENFJs prefer to show their interest clearly from the beginning, so they are more obvious than their usual compassionate, outgoing demeanor. Showing ENFJs authenticity, emotional intelligence, and compassion are also essential ways to squeeze in their hearts. Alongside that, they love someone who is an excellent listener, since ENFJs are known to chatter endlessly. ENFJs know exactly what they want in a partner due to their perfectionism and obsession with planning. However, there are certain elements they need in a relationship – especially since they tend to neglect their own needs. The ISTP, for one, is the complete opposite, and while it can have a lot of sparks flying at first, the relationship won’t last without effort on both sides.

But it goes a long way if our partner can meet us on our preferred intellectual playing field. This means they likely share many of our needs and values. The ENFJ personality type is empathetic, reliable, and highly attuned to the emotions of others around them.

Of course, attraction is highly complex, and there are multiple factors that come into play — in other words, personality type isn’t everything. But personality compatibility does play a crucial role. To help, my sister and I set up , the first dating app and website that matches complementary Myers & Briggs personality types.

INFJs love to nurture harmony in their relationship and will try and keep the home life harmonious at all costs. They are motivated to addressing conflicts in a mature and caring way, should it come up in the relationship. There are many things to love about the INFJ personality.

Once they are sure, ENFJs devote their commitment and loyalty to them. The ENFJ is a heroic helper, and this is clear in how they express their romantic love with a person. In love, ENFJ is clear and authentic about it, showing it through their words or actions. With a partner, ENFJs enjoy quality time getting to know them in depth and will go out of their way to do acts of love or service for them. Since ENFJ values time and order, the most ideal relationship is on a schedule.

However, while INFJs are more creative and like planning and organizing, ESFPs are attentive to details and enjoy flexibility in the workplace, which allows them to adapt. Both types can benefit greatly from each other — ESFPs can learn how to set personal goals and see them through, and INFJs can learn how to adapt to unexpected situations. INFJs and ISFJs both want their workplace to be in tune with their values and to give them an opportunity to serve society as a whole. They also prefer to be involved in long-term projects which can significantly impact the world they live in, for the better. Both types dislike conflict and stress, and will do their best to avoid them. However, while an ISFJ will keep working hard despite the stress, hoping that their situation will get better, an INFJ will eventually look for a better place to work.