It’s Not You, It’s Your Bipolar Disorder Episodes: Relationship Issues

For some, bipolar I disorder with mixed features can feel like the idiom “laugh to keep from crying.” Some folks might experience this duality for weeks or months per episode. And keep all of your appointments with your health care provider. Bipolar disorder is a neurochemical condition that causes episodic mood swings. Bipolar has been synonymous with someone reacting angrily to something, and that’s not necessarily accurate. Geralyn is passionate about empathetic and evidence-based counseling and developing wellness-related content that empowers and equips others to live authentically and healthily.

Dating and When to Disclose You Have Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can become an issue from the very start of a relationship. When you first meet someone you like, it’s natural to want to make a good impression. Introducing the fact that you have bipolar disorder may not make for the most auspicious beginning. There is always the fear that you might scare the person off and lose the opportunity to get to know one another. At some point, though, you will need to let your partner know that you are bipolar.

“I try my best to figure out when [she’s having a manic episode] to help be the stability she needs. “The only time he was hospitalized was upon first diagnosis. I had been very worried about him, specifically that he was thinking about suicide or that he would do something extreme and get hurt.

Finding “The One” When You Have Bipolar Disorder

A person diagnosed with bipolar disorder may see red flags from their partner, too. The euphoria and obsessiveness we feel in the early throes of new love have a lot in common with symptoms of mania. How often have you found yourself wondering if your “true love” is really true? Do manic episodes often find you pursuing “the one”?

It’s also helpful to create a strategy for dealing with flare-ups and bad days so your partner knows what they can do to help. “Tell the person how you’d like to be treated, and how you want that person to behave under those circumstances,” Bearden adds. Its origin is unclear, and while genetic factors may play a role, no one gene causes it to appear. While it can’t be cured outright, bipolar disorder can be managed effectively through treatment and care, allowing a person with it to live a healthy, happy life. Ups and downs are a normal part of every relationship. While most couples have their disagreements and rough patches, dating someone who has bipolar disorder can sometimes feel like riding an emotional rollercoaster.

Gently keeping them true to the rules and habits they want to follow helps them deal with their episodes better, which benefits you. Most people have heard of bipolar, but aren’t entirely sure what the disorder actually means. It can be used in a very casual way, like joking about your mood swings by saying “I must have bipolar! ” but the disease itself is actually much deeper than that.

It can make you see what went wrong, what you could’ve done differently, and what aspects weren’t your fault. It might also be that they see those periods as times when they are being their best selves and decide to stop the treatment to have it again. Bipolar relationships can be complicated and may end up failing because of a variety of reasons. The inability to healthily deal with the disease often causes the breakup. As an aside I found that staying calm and not reacting to her dramatics often made it worse. It was only when I engaged and we had a row that it kinda defused the situation.

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health disorder that causes massive fluctuations in moods. If someone you love has bipolar, they experience overwhelming highs and crushing lows. If they’re pushing you away, chances are, it has nothing to do with you. I found out I was the fourth woman he had abandoned. He said “if I can’t make it with you I can’t make it with anyone.” It’s sad but I’ve divorced him and moved on.

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Support your partner in seeking treatment and staying consistent with medication and therapy.

However, the symptoms of bipolar disorder may present differently according to gender. If watching them mistreat you as well as themselves is not something you can tolerate or want to experience in a relationship, it’s ok. It’s totally alright to not want to date someone with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder has been popularized in modern culture to be used as an insult against those who are often justifiably angry.

This phase of bipolar disorder usually features higher energy and sometimes ill-advised behavior. If you’re having a severe episode and struggling with your symptoms, don’t hesitate to notify your partner and ask for help when you need it. For example, if you’re experiencing a depressive episode and don’t feel like leaving the house, explain this to your partner instead of making an excuse to stay home. Do this before you make a long-term commitment to that person. Describe what they can expect when you’re experiencing a mood shift. It’s also helpful to tell them what you usually do to manage your moods.

I was exhausted from the continuous feeling that I was crawling out of my skin and often resorted to self-harm to escape from the nightmare I felt that I was in. I grew to recognize these cycles and accepted that this might be a permanent roller-coaster ride I’d be on, with the high points being lights at the ends of dark tunnels of depression. After giving birth, the moods intensified yet again.

This might include removing objects they could use for self-harm, hiding car keys if they’re overmedicated and threatening to drive, or being prepared to contact emergency services. Be supportive and let your loved one know you’re there for them. Tell them how important they are to you and ask what you can do. Sympathize with them while encouraging them to be proactive about their treatment and self-healing. To ensure your own health and well-being, you need to set limits on what you are and are not willing to endure as you try to help. It’s not only OK to set limits for your own mental health, but it’s actually critical for your own long-term happiness.