8 Reasons To Date A 23 Year-Old Man Regardless Of Your Age

My boyfriend even says that he is more mature then most men in their 30’s and 40’s and because of his life experiences…he’s right!! I’m going to keep moving forward and see where this leads. O am so glad to hear that relationships with a big age gap can work.

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I watched a few TedX talks about loving and accepting yourself first before you go out and try to give yourself to another person. It takes hard work and I know what I must do now. Work on myself and my insecurities first. The rest should hopefully fall into place. Safe to say I am type 3 and would like to work my way out of it. I knew this as soon as I came across “attachment theory” in an article by Mark Manson which describes the nature of emotional attachment between humans, and the four types of people in relationships.

Why don’t you go to the Bay area and meet Brian for yourself? On a Saturday night panel and doing a Sunday talk, and he stayed with me overnight on Saturday. I had a little brunch for him and three wonderful women on Sunday morning and you’d get something from the email exchange after that.

We are excellent friends — good, good friends — but I’m a realist. I had pondered, mulled, agonized and deliberated over whether to pursue it. But he ended up ‘making a move’ and I am now really happy. The age difference was my ONLY reservation. If he’d been 34 I wouldn’t have hesitated at all.

We both have gone through traumatic trials in our life which brought us together and has made our time together so special. And then i meet this young hansome man with shoulderlength black hair and eyes so deep i fear i could drown in them falls into my lap, and i just want to be 19 again and let him kiss me forever. All my future plans are nowhere to be seen at the moment. I’m just trying to say that while there are some inherent problems with these types of relationships, they can work. My parents know about him and although it surprised them at first, they’re completely fine with it now. He’s much more comfortable in the relationship now and we’re soon to hit our anniversary.

I have been living alone for the past 30 years and absolutely love it. I experience a tremendous amount of time alone, living in total silence, peace and quiet and wouldn’t want anything to disrupt this state of being. https://www.datingmentor.net I have been seeing the same man once a week for over 17 years and consider that hour together as a pure luxury. I trust him and love him and as long as this goes on, I feel I am getting all of my needs met.

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A couple I semi-sorta knew joined a group of us, and we were getting on like a house on fire. I’m seriously not making it up when I say he gives Thor vibes and she looks like a Barbie doll. The both very handsome, playful and fun to talk to, I am lost for words but so lonely and do not find man my age interesting. Just now I over heard him talking to some old uni friends and I was subtly not mentioned. I oso have a guy who wants to marry me is 24 & am 25.goosh am so scared for a commitment even tho we both have a child each.

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But i do seek affection..which i know only an old and experienced guy can give me the best..but that is also scary nowadays.. I know he makes an effort to understand me, but i am beginning to feel something is missing.. Although he is wise in mind and not years.. In the sense i sought something in him, i couldn’t find it anywhere, even there after when it broke off because of so many issues, i tend to fall for someone elder again, and again..all older guys..

With me being a month shy of 35 im very worried about our age difference, however he is so sweet and mature for his age. He always wants to go out but Im scared of the looks that we may get in the street. I dont look ancient but he looks younger than 20 to me.

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I have made my peace with it all, and I’m fine without what I never had. I think that if you meet somebody you like and are attracted to, you meet somebody you like and are attracted to. Go out with people because you want to be naked with them and still hang out with them after. Sure, a lot of compatibility is being at the same place in your life and liking the same things. But while it’s weird to have to affirm that “Pootie Tang was a movie,” it’s worth it if the old-ass dude you force to watch it laughs his ass off. I’ve discussed dating out of your demographic with men and women alike, and while everybody has a lot to say on the subject of age, I’m of the opinion that it is, indeed, nothing but a number.